Don't Bother

Post Long-worded personal life observations here.
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

Man I'm starting to hate this bike buildin' shit. I spent 2HOURS at the HD dealership looking thru all thier catalogs for a sprocket set, but "NOOOOOOoooooo!!!" (hereafter known as "right") All these dam companies sell 5/6 speed trannies, but will they sell a fu@#ing sprocket for them...right. The local HD dealer has been great with me, but , do they know non-stock, right! Life was so simple before this bike building shit. I could dream it, print it, and all was good. But, can I get help from locals, right. Can I buy what I want from a catalog, riiiiight. I gotta build what I want cause it don't exist. I gotta design and engineer a simple sprocket or clutch basket, cause noooooo-one wants to break the stock bubble. RIGHT!!!! Still, I put alll my work into something and will it be more than a one-off-custom-piece. Maybe!!!! But, can I keep my sanity before I ruin the temper of a piece of aluminum to prove everyone wrong, I hope so!!! I remember the days of mini-skirts. Was I old enough for the sexual revolution, right, but I remember mini-skirts. If only they had invented the thong at the same time, I might have been a stark-raving-mad-lunatic by now, but, really, what's the difference. I'm freakin' over a sprocket. I'm trying to build a one-off unique creation of mind-bending-praportion. Have I figured it out, YES!!! Can I get crutial answers to the longevity of my proto-type, right! It's friday night...the 13th. I won't get a word from my suppliers until monday if GOD is on my side! . Sorry for the pause I had to refill my glass of 12.5 octane fuel. Things were so much easier when I could dream it, print it, and save it. Now I gotta rely on others to make it real. This shit is what withdrew me from the world in the 1st place. I'm so much better when I'm alone than when with others. ave you noticed? But, now I'm trying to bring he dreams of ten years into a world of mediocrity. I was at the top. Was I appreciated for what I could offer, right. I have recently been at the bottomn of the societal barrel. Was I left alone? right! People think that when your down you can be kicked. Now that I'm starting to come back into the world, their wondering why all I can say is "fu@# YOU". F@#K ME! F@#K YOU!!! There's a saying that if you are kind to your enemies it is like pouring hot coals on thier head. I would rather pour hot coals on thier head. Vengence is an unholy thing to undertake, but everyone has their limits. F@#K my spelling! F@#K your desire to steal my shit! F@#K your need for my ability! I fyou want to be in charge and take this world into the pit of hell, by all means, I will not stand in your way. This world has nothing that I want. I only want my little piece of creative effort to pass time. Few understand what I'm talking about. Fewer still, care! Take what you can! Give nothing back! It's a nice movie line, but how many actually contribute to this world? The people of this board do! How many readers will have actually made it to that statement? That's why my build is here! Few others can tollerate my mind. I have done alot of growing up in the past ten years. I fell to infancy and was granted the privalidge to grow-up a second time. With full knowledge of what I learned an d full memory of what I've experienced...I live again. The problems I've had in my previous life are answered thanx to Bob. A simple exchange that I've had many times over the past 10yrs, I finally have come to accept that some people just don't care...and can never be convinced to. Live with it! It's the truth of this world! Building a bike is more than desire. A man on death row has the desire to live. Would you tell him on his walk to the death chamber that he just doesn't want it enough. There is more to reallity than desire. Ability includes desire, but more importantly it includes freedom. Yes, max, FREEDOM. The chains that bind can be as simple as a thought. The thought that you are not good enough to do it. F!@K THAT! We are only limited by our ability to imagine reality. I can se not dead people....but....maybe! People who can't realise their potential are, perhaps, dead to what could be their greatest achievement. I hope this isn't boring you. I'm having a blast. Boosted on octane. It has taken 8yrs for me to recover from the shit of supporting people without the "ability" to support themselves. Now the world wants producers to support all of the "takers" that their polocies have produced. F@#K that! Now that I have regained the energy to take over the world once again, do you think that I will work for your retirement? right! I have been unemployed for 6-mnths to date. I have never collected unemployment. I have never worked more than 3mnths per yr for the last 9 except for the last job which I worked for 18mnths. When I took over my father's business in '92 I worked 140 hrs a week, with one 72hr day each week. Do the math. That works out to 4hrs a day of sleep. The 2nd yr I worked 120 hrs/wk, then 100, then 80 then 60. You get the trwnd? I worked myself to death untill there just wasn't any life left in me. I died! Dis anyone care, right! Friends turned to vultures! Accountants, lawyers, bankers..turned to barracudas. The feeding frensy began. I lost all but what was hidden. I had always stashed a nest-egg. That was all I had...period. Family deserted me. All I had was nothing...and I was good with that. It was real! Nothing is most definately real. After my bout with catatonia, I tried coming back into the world by designing a bike. It was my only touch with this world. One guy, I can only describe as the bitch of CW tried fucking with me. Most of you guys have a heart. The bitch is the one used to test the new guys. Prison rules by my experience. I had an idea he wanted. Did he get it , right! The 1st moment I heard his voice, one hand went on my wallet, the other over my asshole. A simple rule of life I learned at an early age when a stranger calls you friend. He thinks he got the idea, but I needed the bil of sale for a motor for my build. He tried to hold that hostage for the idea. Let no one be mis-lead. I am a liar. AND, I am good at it. Put me against a wall and you will be convinced that you have gotten what you wanted without any lose to me. I just don't like doing it. But, I do it. I've got some ideas that build on what's been before, but, some people don't like the idea of a new guy doing it instead of them. The truth is that they would never have come up with it regardless of how much time they thought of it. That f@#king liberal mentality drives me to...well, think the worst. Bob, was not the 1st that I engaged regarding political phylosophy...Only the last. I'm done with it. The truth of my view-point is that I cannot change anyones pov. You believe what you "will". The actual moment I realised that was when reading Ayne Rand's "Atlas Shrugged". The point being, What advise would you offer to Atlas who stumbling under the weight of the world upon his shoulders? To shrug!!! Shrug the deadbeats. Shrug the takers. Shrug the loafers. Shrug those who think they're entitled to your labor. The war in this world is not left vs right. Or Right vs wrong. The war that rages is producers vs deadbeats. Well....what I have been doing for the last 8yrs is striking against those who would take what is mine. Things as simple as reputation. If you take a man's reputation it is still stealing. "I" as politely as I could, told GM that they have been testing the springs for thier ato trannies "WRONG". They questioned the accuracy of my equipment. I told them that thier previous equipment was innaccurate. I lost GM sales. Ford told me that I would have to comply with ISO9000. I told them to take a hike. One week later I recieved an identical order from a purchasing agent with ISO9000 certs. I lost Ford and they chose to pay an additional 30% for my equipment. My father developed the equipment to test airbag accelerometer springs. At one time, in the begginning, 90% of all airbag springs were tested on mine or my fathers equipment. That customer sold my technology to my biggest competitor. FUCK THEM!!! I personally helped the best manufacturer of loada cells to improve thier design to test torsion cells. That tech now helps my competitors. The people who put me out of business. FUCK THEM!!! Would you really like to have the secret of your succes to be the theift of your competitors achievement? It may be the way of the world, but, truth will out! A Harry Potter line, but, in the end, True. You want to steal what I got? Have at it. This is Texas! You risk your life. You want my ideas? This world is only the prelude to what will be. Can you really steal the creativity that GOD has given to me? right! I can create what you can copy after 10yrs of reverse engineering you lame fuck thieves. But, you will never have what I keep to myself. What I offer the world is only a fraction of my potential. As I gain strength, I create more than I can produce. I will produce only what I can sell. I sell only what I need to survive. The rest will lay fallow. Awaiting your delusion that anyone can, given enough time, can invent. That is the falacy of evolution! Shit don't just happen! Ayne Rand almost got it right when she implied that some are greater than others. The truth is that some are more blessed than others. I've been told that "we don't need any saints here". Fine. Live with the squaller that you create. I've searched for saints. For years I couldn't find them. I've been to many churches over the years. In each, I've found only 1 or 2 christians. In 1 church I've found no christians. That's according to the last commandment of Christ describing how christians are to be judged. Finally, I've found a church where I could find 1 or 2 non-christians. Funny how life works out. I got a speeding ticket for 9-over the limit. The judge ordered 16hrs community service with a local church. After 20-days of contacting ALL of the local churches, I got 9-hrs total...From 1 church...a preacher friend of mine...who does not meet the definition of a christian. Then I found a church that I never knew was a church. I did 6-12 hrs a day from thanksgiving to Christmas. I made my quota for the court. I was welcomed into a church of Christians. Even those who claim to not have accepted Christ are more Christian than those who claim to have accepted Christ. This is the crux of Christaphobia. Most ...aren't. Do to my background, most of my friends have been self-professed hedonists. I was raised to be one. They all damned me as a Christian before I ever confessed my faith. I count that as a blessing. By no means am I a glass is empty...let me octane up!....That's better! So what is the point of all this? Who the fuck knows! Perhaps, if I don't share anymore of my stuff, I'm looking to retire on royalties. Perhaps I'm trying to find a company that can value my talent. Perhaps, I want the benefits of this world by earning it rather than having the govt give it to me because I "NEED" it, or "WANT" it. It may seam at times as though I'm looking for sympathy...Don't buy it. It's sarcasm. Few appreciate the humor. I've lived a hard life. A life that has thickened my skin to a point that death itself has no bite. I don't take compliments well. I don't take credit for all that I do. I try to help others maximise the credit due to them. But, make no mistakes, I seak truth. Feed me a line of'll eat what you serve. Am I freaking out because of my really. I have faced these problems since I was a very young toddler. The things of this world perplex me. Since before I could speak, the weakness of my pears has perplexed me. We each have our strengths and weaknesses. As I've grown older, my strengths have become stronger, though not increased, and my weaknesses have decreased, though not weakened. That means I've become stuborn. In the words of Good Will, "Some day you'll realise you've spent 100grand on an education that you could have gotton for $1.95 in late chargees at the public library." My education cost more than $100g, and I've read only one book in the last 30yrs. If you've made it this far, only gotten a glimpse at who I was, and only a clue of who I am. For those who skip to the end, I want to make the world better, and myself. I have a long way to go with both. I know I can only fail in both without help. For the world it takes people. For myself it takes Christ. Oh, how I need help with myself. I will never condemn those who "truly" want to help. I will never help those who truly want to condemn. For those who have read all of this are blessed. Thank you.
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railroad bob
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I just returned home from a 2 week trip in New Mexico, have a few good pix, can't wait to share my off-highway traveling. Got to put 1400 miles on the scoot.

Best, Bob Davidson
Location: Alaska

Re: Don't Bother

Post by railroad bob »

By far, the best rant I've ever read.

"When in doubt, let it all hang out"
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I dont know if I can think of enough to say to reach the two hundred charactor minimun set by the mods , but I will persevere
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Re: Don't Bother

Post by gearhead1951 »

I hear you man , Look at what happened to Hossack , and the fellow who invented the delay windshield wiper !

There are always vultures around looking to benifit from anothers skull sweat and hard work !!
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Name is Max living in scotland ,and building my first bike, Which is derived from a buellM2 Cyclone..Started with an engine and a Drop seat frame wich was made to my spec by a more experienced builder. would like to learn more about the skills and techniques required to build a frame so I value being a member here...Cheers Max
Location: Angus, Scotland

Re: Don't Bother

Post by Maxthegardener »

Rudy Raise a lot of points there buddy, I strained my eyes...but hear you you rise above it all, or do you take stock and join the fray...I guess you have to believe in the rd your walking..whichever route that might be..for myself..I count my blessings.. and the more I see of this world, the more blessings I seem to have....forgive those who tresspass against me?..I have too, I cant afford too, and will not pay otherwise....I need to get to the moral high ground, and may God grant me the power of understanding...and the strength to keep ass in gear..and away from Demons that might appear throughout my journey.....
As for the bike building aspect of your Post...I might add...for me my dreams are only matched by my ability to purchase tools, and materials..................................There better be a bottle of that octane there in Texasville waiting, if I ever feel the need to drop by ;)
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SELF INTRODUCTION: I was on the last board as bonustoolkit. I have changed that to my given name.
I started a project build there " File and Fit." I paln to continue that when I go back home in Dec. 2011. I first joined the board when Gary W had it in the year 2005. That was the time I really gained an interest in building chops. I have a long way to go, compared to some here.

Re: Don't Bother

Post by hansgoudzwaard »

Liquid Fish Fertilizer!!! Smells LIKE ......AARRRGGGGHHH!

Pour it into their open car windows; the elevator down to the basement & pour it into the space between the floor and the elevator; or... into the heat registers, etc, etc.
fish.JPG (46.9 KiB) Viewed 12391 times
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

Bob, like an employee would say when I complimented his work, "I's got skeels."

Gearhead, like I read in the book, before I read it, I've been on strike from the world for the past 8yrs. I live on $600/month. Cigs, octane and enough food for the dog to have his share. My choice to live this way is now voluntary. 8yrs ago it wasn't. I now have the energy to get back into the world. During an exchange here, I cleared all of the mental distractions in my head. Now I have to choose if I want to make money again or give my shit away. No one will take it from me. Except, maybe another 4yrs of this Marxist bullshit, I'll find myself in prison...that Christian thing.

Max, there's a wonderfull yuppie bar down the road that has 36 flavours of beer. Many from Europe. My treat. As for the forgiveness thing, I had a friend who said, "Fuck me once shame on you. Fuck me twice shame on me." I will never be ashamed of being fucked....nor proud of it. I will now, and have been, shake the dust from my feet and walk away. The problem comes if they follow after me.

As for business, if I do what everyone else does, I'm just another fish in the pond. It's not my nature to settle like that. This primary thing, if I can prototype it without damaging the clutch splines, will be the koolest thing I've seen. As for making money on it? I've already identified the people to look out for. The problem is that I will need their help. I've contacted one with some simple questions. If he starts grilling me, I'll give him 1st right of refusal. If no one will pay what it is worth, my prototype will be the only one in existance. Maybe ever. Believe it or not, I sometimes do stuff only to see it work. Kinda like the thong and the miniskirt...I just want to see it once.

Hans, Hans, Hans....what can I say?
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Re: Don't Bother

Post by yona »

In a hurry, and didn't read all... from sprockets to Jesus....maybe I don't want to know... LOL all this while I was out dancing with beautiful women !... ; )
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Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

yona wrote:In a hurry, and didn't read all... from sprockets to Jesus....maybe I don't want to know... LOL all this while I was out dancing with beautiful women !... ; )
Thongs and mini-skirts I'll bet! lol
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

I suppose I owe you guys an explaination. I like to think I'm better than the little things of life. Most things I blow off as a cost of living. Some things just don't go away. For some reason they stick with me and I lash out at anything or anyone within reach. I flamed one guy for no good reason at all. Luckily I realised my mistake and tried to make ammends. He was prolly going thru shit of his own and just didn't need it. Again I'm sorry for that.

The morning I wrote that post, I was pulled over for doing 26mph in a 35. It was a school zone with flashing lights, one cop car accross the street and one with a car pulled over...lights strobing in front of me. The school zone was 20mph. I was leaning with my elbow on my tank. The speedo was 6" from my face. When I crossed the line, I was doing 20 on the speedo. I know the speedo reads about 5% high...but, I get pulled over. I quess he thought I wasn't paying attention. He got a very respectfull and matter-of-fact account of the situation. He still wrote me the warning for 26 in a 20mph school zone. That is still chapping my ass. I don't fuck around when kids are at risk.

For those who showed concern, thanx. I'm OK. This will fade like all the injustice in life. If any consolation can come from this...I did make a COP studder.
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

Please don't rant on my rant. I have entered a situation that requires my undistracted attention. The reason that people can't figure me out is that my mind and intent is constantly pulled in 3 directions. The laught(left) and right exert thier influence with a vengence. I, however, try to stay on the path. The path is not centrist or moderate. I have never been called moderate in anything that I do.

I do practice civil disobedience within the limits of 10mi over the speed limit and I do not wear a seat belt. My driving habits have not changed in over 30yrs with the exception of my road rage is almost non-existant. My driving record is clean for the past 5yrs with the exception of being pulled over 6 times since Sept '11 (2 of those illegal stops). I plead "no contest" claim indigent status for being unemployed and do the community service for deferred adjudication. It's a hobby that gets me out of the house.

In a tit-for-tat escalation that always occurs in any confrontation, this cop has become more and more angry with each stop. He pulled me over for 5 of the 6 stops. He is also the police chief for the City of Savoy. The only escalation in my behavior is that I will speed up to 5-over when driving thru town. I also set the cruise control and take the long way THRU town. My behavior with the exception of illegal stops has always been confident, assertive, and polite. My of enjoyment. Think civil smart-ass.

I have tried to get a MC endorsement. The local DPS could not and did not provide any info on how to comply witt the law. When stopped, the officer provided no info on how to comply with the law. This past monday my bike was impounded in an illegal stop for no MC endorsement. While I was picked with a truck and trailer, the cops intent was made clear. He was going to cost me money. What he did, however, was to let slip the dragon of my wrath. I had been planning to attend the city coucil meeting on the 19th. They know this. It has(had) nothing to do with my plea hearing on the 20th. I had not planned to address the coucil. I was only planning to introduce myself.

In my quest to free the bike by getting an impound release, I saw a memorial at the sherrif's office. The inscription, from the book of Proverbs read, "The wicked flee when no one is chasing them. The righteous stand bold as a lion." There are 2 points to keep in mind. 1st - The stewards of govt hide behind the law regardless of their constitutional authority. In other words, they protect their culpability under the law by doing the minimum that the law requires...all the while being in direct violation of their constitutional responsability. You don't need to read the whole constitutions of the nation and state. You do need to memorise the preambles. 2nd - I stand boldly at the edge of my constitutional rights.

The US constitutions reads, " establish justice, insure domestic tranquility...". The Texas const. states more boldly, "Humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God..." As I stated earlier, there are many directions I can take this on a moment by moment basis. "I" am not quilty of civil unrest. I am not quilty of disturbing the peace. I am not guilty (with knowledge and forethought) of failing to yield to police authority. If I address the coucil, I may choke, or, find the full volume of it.

And that's just this past week.... A friend was to drop by this coming week to double check the math on my primary. I had planned on cutting the basket next week and finishing the primary. Plans change!
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

Well, I just got out of court and am seriously disappointed in my resolve.

Judge, "You're charged with operting a motorcycle without an endorsement. How do you plea?"
Me, "I plead not quilty and ask the court to summarily dismiss the charges on the grounds of it being an unlawfull stop without sufficient probable cause!"
judge, "Do you have a motorcycle endorsement?
Me, "No."
Judge, "You don't have an endorsement and you're pleading not guilty?"
Me, "Yes."
Judge, with that look of dispare,"Why don't you just get an endorsment?"
Me, "I'll have one next week."
Judge, judge with a joyous look of relif,"Oh! Case dismissed pending issuance of endorsment!"

Now I gotta sue to get my $253.30. The locals think they have defended thier unlawfull govt. yada yada bs bs. Proper resolve would be to not provide the proof and force them to prosecute, to demand my day in court. I just don't have the energy anymore. I had to go to the next county simply to get the information required to get an endorsement. Even that was to be used as a defence in this case.

An excerpt from the Dec of Ind as one reason to dissolve the political bonds of men, "He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures."

ps- You may, if you choose, rant on my rant.
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Location: Baja Georgia - St Johns River Inlet

Re: Don't Bother

Post by yona »

Finally read all of this's that kind of Sunday....been building surfboards for my son....Not going to say we are alike...but feel we are kindred spirits... You made me that sweet offer and I appreciate it , but I have to be there to see it born.... know you will understand ! maybe one day a Chevy Silverado will pull into your place, with some 2'' slabs of 6061, in back and if you are still up to it....we could build that frontend. I just finished cardio-rehab, and feel better than I have in a long while. I will keep checking in on you ....oh Gary is somewhere in Texas now , and he told me he was looking for a machinist he could work with...think he will be making frontends...might turn into something ...or RIGHT !! LOL
Oh our CW buddy is having shit-fits cause I blocked his ass...just got tired of the tirades and apologies...
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Jack of all. Master of none. Worked in a machine shop since I was 8. Desgined embedded computers for a few years. Done lots in between. If there's anything I've learned with certainty, "Anyone who looks like they know what they're doing is putting on an act."
Location: Texoma

Re: Don't Bother

Post by rudog »

Thanx for botherin', YONA. But, with those words...the price just went up. You're gonna have to deliver those slabs in person....maybe. I got over my weakness with that guy in the place about that thing. Sometimes my past bursts out with a fury, but, it's nice to know it's not all me.

I've been talking with a few of the locals about my plight. They have been very encouraging. I'm convinced that the sheople are mearly good people beaten into the ground and tired of the jack-boot on their neck.

I went thru town a few days ago and saw a cop. Looking to see that my speed was the limit, I sped-up to 5-over and hit the cruise control. I had to slow down after the cop due to pedestrians, but, it's the little things that count. I realised that the charge won't be dismissed until I provide the MC endorsment that I got today. I also realised that the judge never ruled on dismissal for unlawfull stop. I'll put myself on the docket for next month. I just gotta try and get rid of this shit-eating-grin before I go.

As best I understand, Gary is just one county south of me. If he's still looking for a machinist, I just just "bother" him.
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SELF INTRODUCTION: Hey, how about. I'm Schulz Francisco Santiago, Chile. I am a mechanic and welder, and while working in the manufacture of live traps for almost all animals my true passion are the vehicles, automobiles and motorcycles, restoration of some and making other. I congratulate you sign up for this well of knowledge, im participate in other free information community, chatarrero rat rodders Argentina, where we arrived at interesting things about how and why. Personally I have a collection of more less interesting automobiles and motorcycles, a Mercedes Benz 250 1972 automatic in restoration , a 1967 Chevy II soon to be revived as scrap pick up, and clearly my motorcycles, a Honda CB 450 Nighthawk modified as between wars bike is my current project Is a beautifull engine. I'm making the girder fork at this time, a bobber carried Motorrad, my vehicle abitual a Maico MD 250 awaiting restoration parts for, a Yamaha Enticer waiting for a change of 350 cc engine, a BMW R-67, 1954 waiting also a part of the starting lever. Also chassis, engines, tires, and parts to make what I can think of.

I think i can help and contribute in this community.

A hug for a distance.
Location: Santiasko de Chile


Post by devilman »

Hi men. I understand that it would cost your rant ... sorry, my English is improving ... I hope ...

I do not know if it's what I write, but here goes. Life takes many turns. Sometimes you turn up, sometimes down and most of the time you are in that limbo of 180 degrees. Whenever things happen, are piled upon you, and the only way out of the shit is a damn thing at a time. Did they hurt you? Sure, that happens to me all the shit I wish the world would fall on ... and never see that life makes its own righteousness. But it happens. Life is not fair but it seems to us, though sometimes it seems like God and providence are on vacation ... and even the devil lost his job because of half of humanity ... I have 33 years. In my 33 years I have lived longer than many of my peers are going to live in a lifetime. I got up from the bottom of the seventh pit of hell 5 times, and I've lived long enough to see some of the consequences of the acts that led me back like a boomerang there who hurt me. The pinion is just the straw that broke the glass man, and always the little details that will make them explode and lose perspective of what is important ... I say? Fuck you! MY LIFE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT, I AM THE STAR OF MY OWN BEST SELLER.Fuck what you say or do, can not hurt me! YOU CAN ONLY GET ME DESPAIR!

Nobody can understand? My father has emphysema. My mother has Parkinson. My brother is a shit. My son will not let me sleep. My customers do not pay on time. For months I can not escape to handle my bike, I expect accounts, the bank refused me a mortgage to buy my own house ... my damn bikes are piled than half YEAR! NO LONGER HAVE TIME FOR NOTHING! I despair, I calm down, and I'm trying not to lose sight of what I want. And that, my friend, is the only thing that matters in this torture we call life. So, my friend, let the dogs bark and move on, that's only thing we can do.

Do not get mad by what I write. Possibly the things that happen to me are not relevant to an absolute level. The point here is that things can never weigh more negative than positive. A smile of my son vanish everything else.

Oh by the pinion? Adapt one or send to manufacture. Is it best.

A hug!

Never argue with an idiot, low to his level and beat you by experience.
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