welding fins

An area for general welding posts that don't seem to fit anywhere else.
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welding fins

Post by friday »

whats the best option for welding fins on ali heads ?

Ive got indian 741 heads that will need a good half dozen fins built up , each. the gap between fins is 6mm . tight fit for grinding etc
Im still cleaning them
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Re: welding fins

Post by Dusty-Dave »

Tig one layer on top of the last, then grind and file to shape, then blast with steel shot. Trying to fit pieces and weld them into place never gives as good results. The 741 heads are a particularly hard alloy to weld. I don't know anyone to recommend any more, they have all either died or quit.
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Re: welding fins

Post by railroad bob »

Good advice from Dave about building out a layer at a time.
And files work well on alum if no room for a disc or wheel.
I've used a thin cut off wheel for tight places, but I was being careful to not put much pressure on it. They come apart real easy.

See if you can find out the alloy of the fins.
Electrode manufacturers can advise on which electrode is best to use.

Or find someone who did it before, and ask which electrode they used.

If you do find out, maybe post it here?
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